
DREAM updates: funding period, documentation structure, and team section

Here are the updates to DREAM functionality and new features of the ecosystem.

1. The "Funding period" block has been added

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The "Funding period" block has been added to the restoration/modernization project card on the "Funding" tab on the DREAM website. Thus, the project initiator can detail the budget, indicate the amount and date of receipt of funds, and create a list of project investors.

The new feature provides benefits for:

  • initiators of restoration projects;
  • public activists who monitor tenders project implementation.

2. Documents in the project card are structured

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For the convenience of users of the public portal, the structure of the "Documents" block in the restoration or modernization project card has been updated. From now on, the block displays only the last three documents added by the initiator. The complete list of project documentation opens by clicking the "Expand" button at the bottom of the block.

The new feature provides benefits for:

  • initiators of restoration projects;
  • a wide range of users of the DREAM public portal.

3. Added the "DREAM Team" page on the DREAM website


A separate page, "DREAM Team," has been created on the public portal in the "About DREAM" section. This is a list of governmental and non-governmental organizations working on developing and implementing the ecosystem. When you click on an organization's name, a block with contact information appears.

The new feature provides benefits for:

  • a wide range of users of the DREAM public portal.
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