Health Care

In line with its strategy for health, nutrition and population, Ukraine aims to achieve universal health coverage through stronger primary health systems and provide quality, affordable health services to everyone








91'812'124'858,61 UAH



Case Studies

 Health Care


Creating conditions for effective and affordable medical services and medical care of the population is a constitutional duty of the state, and preserving, protecting and strengthening the health and well-being of citizens is one of the key tasks and priorities.

The health of the population is not only an indicator of the current socio-economic state of the country, but also a guarantee of its development due to the growth of opportunities to realize the individual potential of citizens due to the increase in the duration and quality of life.

Restoration of the protection system from the consequences of the war and development of the infrastructure of the health care system in Ukraine is important to meet the needs of the population in accessible, high-quality, integrated and patient-oriented medical services.

One of the priority tasks of the sector is to strengthen the network of capable institutions of Ukraine. Institutions of a capable network must provide medical care within the relevant hospital district, in particular during emergency situations, a state of emergency or war, and make it possible to organize the proper quality of such care, timeliness and accessibility for the population, as well as the effective use of material, labor and other resources.

The activity of the sector is also focused on the restoration of health care facilities destroyed (damaged) as a result of the armed aggression against Ukraine and the modernization of state and communal health care facilities through the implementation of priority infrastructure projects for Ukraine (in particular, within the framework of joint projects with the World Bank, with the help of United24 platforms, execution of international agreements, etc.).

In addition, an important part of the sector's work is equipping healthcare facilities with the necessary equipment, generators and alternative energy sources

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