The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the Bank of the European Union and is owned by its 27 Member States. It supports projects that make a significant contribution to growth, employment, economic and social development and environmental sustainability, both inside the European Union and worldwide.
The EIB’s headquarters are in Luxembourg, and there are external offices, one of which is located in Ukraine, to support the bank's activities.
In Ukraine, the EIB, through its dedicated development arm EIB Global, has been active there since 2007 investing in social and municipal infrastructure, transport and connectivity, energy and energy efficiency, small business (SME) development and climate action.
On August 1, 2023, the total amount of financial resources provided by the EIB in Ukraine, both in the public and private sectors, is more than EUR 7.5 billion, including almost €5.7 billion invested after the Euromaidan Revolution that took place in 2014.
Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022 only strengthened the bank's determination to support and stand with Ukraine. Since war broke out, the EIB — with the support of the European Commission — has disbursed over €1.7 billion to Ukraine. These resources target emergency repairs to the country's infrastructure.
The EIB also launched an EU for Ukraine initiative in support of Ukraine’s agenda for recovery and reconstruction. The EU for Ukraine Initiative is accompanied by a EUR 100 million dedicated technical assistance package. This will provide best-practice reconstruction advice to help Ukraine develop priority investment projects.