
Strategic planning at the regional level forms a basis for public investment management reform.

Kyiv hosted the National Forum' Strategic Planning at the Regional Level: From Restoration to Development', which brought together 250 participants.

Oleksii Kuleba, Deputy Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine and Minister for Development of Communities and Territories, MPs, representatives of the President's Office, central and local authorities, international partners, and the public visited the event.

The forum aimed to comprehensively analyze regional strategic planning and present new approaches, a pool of priorities, and tasks that will form the basis of the updated State Strategy for Regional Development. The participants also discussed challenges and opportunities for each macro-region.

In his welcome message, Deputy Prime Minister Oleksii Kuleba noted that restoration remains a priority in the face of russia's brutal war against Ukraine. In this context, strategic planning at the local level is essential, as it is the basis of the State Strategy for Regional Development. The Government pays particular attention to implementing transparent and accountable recovery mechanisms.

According to Oleksii Ryabykin, the Deputy Minister for Development and Territories of Ukraine, the Ministry is already introducing new approaches to project selection.

'As part of the third phase of the Ukraine Recovery Programme, projects are being prioritized according to the community development strategies. It is crucial because we cannot afford to spend money without communicating with the residents of the regions. The country's resources are limited because a full-scale war is ongoing. We have to spend money consciously to achieve greater results, quality, and number of service users,' said Oleksiy Ryabykin.

Viktor Nestulia, Head of the DREAM Project Office, emphasized the importance of introducing digital tools that affect communities' capacity. He also outlined changes in the ecosystem's functionality as a key tool for forming the state's Single Project Pipeline following the public investment management reform.

Viktor Nestulia noted that in 2024, the Government of Ukraine formed a Single Project Pipeline, which included 787 investment projects and programs at the national and regional levels, with a total value of UAH 2.59 trillion.

- To improve the quality of planning, the efficiency of project implementation, and the financial resources allocated to help Ukraine's development, the Government has launched a public investment management reform. Shortly, the Government will develop new approaches to project development, evaluation, and prioritization, as well as sectoral pipelines, Single Project Pipeline, and new approaches to the implementation of project monitoring.

Therefore, each community must learn and be able to take a new approach to planning the implementation of these projects. Our task is to help each community. Everyone already working with the DREAM system knows that each community has individual support from the Ministry of Development and the DREAM Project Office team to resolve possible issues quickly,' said Viktor Nestulia.

He added that the ecosystem's functionality is being updated to ensure a convenient, efficient, accountable public investment management process for all stakeholders.

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