The procedure for granting a subvention to construct and repair shelters in institutions providing general secondary education has been approved. The Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) will select projects and allocate funds using the DREAM ecosystem.
This year's subvention is UAH 6.2 billion, of which UAH 460.5 million will be used to complete projects launched in 2024. Other communities can apply for the remaining funds.
Funding applications will be accepted from January 20 to 26.
The following communities will be able to receive funds:
- Naval and military sports lyceums, lyceums with enhanced military and physical training;
- institutions with 200+ students;
- institutions with up to 200 students if they are the only ones in the community that operate full-time/mixed mode and where students from at least two other institutions are brought.
MoES commission will select the projects receiving funding through the DREAM digital platform. It will also consider the community's affiliation with the risk zone, in accordance with the Methodology for Risk Assessment in the Education System.
Funding amounts are set for risk levels in proportion to the number of students:
- very high - 50% of the subvention
- high - 40%;
- moderate and satisfactory - 10%.
To qualify for funding, an institution must meet the following conditions:
- distance or mixed type of learning;
- buildings do not have damage caused by the war, or their repair does not require construction work;
- no shelter (or only the simplest one) or it needs major repairs/reconstruction; availability of design and estimate documentation;
- completion of the works by the end of 2025;
- confirmation of co-financing from the local or regional budget is required.
- In 2025, the state allocates a record UAH6.2 billion for school shelters, as full-time education remains a priority. At the same time, during the war, it was necessary to provide safety in schools, which involved modern infrastructure and a multi-level system of measures to protect children. That is why this year we have also provided a subvention for fire safety and metal detectors, which will be prioritized for schools that have joined the pilot project to strengthen security, - said Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Nadiya Kuzmychova.
How the funds for shelters will be distributed
1. Communities will submit a project through the DREAM system.
2. After submission, each project will be automatically prioritized according to key criteria: readiness, safety, co-financing, sustainability, financial efficiency, and community capacity building.
3. Scores for individual educational institutions will be calculated using increased coefficients:
- 10 - for military lyceums and institutions participating in a pilot project to strengthen security during martial law;
- 1.5 - for educational institutions that are the only ones in the community that operate full-time and where students from two or more schools are transported.
- each regional military administration will be able to distribute its 50 points among communities within each risk level. The regions will have 5 working days to do this.
4. The MoES Commission will analyze all projects, starting with the highest priority and considering the risk levels.
5. The list will be submitted to the government for approval.
6. The funds will be transferred to local budgets after the government approves the list of institutions receiving funding.
If you have questions about working with the DREAM platform, please get in touch with info@dream-office.org.