
School canteens: applying period for subventions through DREAM started

From May 22 to May 31, Ukrainian communities can apply for a state subvention through the DREAM ecosystem to purchase equipment and modernize canteens in general secondary education institutions.

The subvention for modernizing canteens amounts to UAH 1.5 billion. All funds will be distributed according to the new rules and used exclusively for general secondary education institutions that operate full-time or mixed forms of education.

DREAM will automatically generate a ranking list of projects by calculating the priority projects using a point system, and the MOES commission will assess compliance and formulate proposals for the distribution of subventions between individual local budgets.

Conditions for applying for a subvention:

  • availability of project documentation for the reconstruction and overhaul of canteens (food blocks) in educational institutions or a design task with an estimate; choice of one of three technological models of catering;
  • the project should provide for the comprehensive modernization of canteens (food blocks) of general secondary education institutions, including the purchase of equipment, reconstruction and/or overhaul of premises;
  • confirmed co-financing from the local budget, the minimum amount of which corresponds to the community's tax capacity index;
  • safety of the educational process (full-time/mixed education, availability of shelters, or provision of arrangements by the end of the calendar year);
  • the project must be completed this year.


1. Projects for the purchase of equipment, creation, and modernization (reconstruction and overhaul) of canteens (food blocks) in general secondary education institutions of communal ownership in DREAM should be included, as well as applications for the financial program.

List of documents required for application:

  • card of the general secondary education institution;
  • in case of submission of a project design task for participation in the competition, a project estimate and confirmation of the local budget funds previously allocated for the intended purpose for the development of project documentation and its examination;
  • a decision of the founder or a letter of guarantee on co-financing provided by the founder of the general secondary education institution, indicating the sources of such funding;
  • confirmation of the organization of the educational process in general secondary education institutions - a full-time or mixed form of education;
  • confirmation of the availability of shelters that are included in the fund of protective structures and are used for shelter on a contractual basis by the objects of the fund of protective structures of other business entities or the construction/arrangement of a shelter (protective structures) is planned to be carried out during the current calendar year; photographs documenting the current state of the canteen (food unit) that needs to be modernized;
  • justification of the feasibility of the project (up to 2 sheets);
  • a letter of guarantee on the availability or guarantee of purchase during the current calendar year of a vehicle for the delivery of finished products from the hub kitchen in case of submission of a project for participation in the competition based on the technological model of catering "hub kitchen."

2. The DREAM ecosystem automatically generates a ranking list of projects submitted to the financial program.
3. Regional, Kyiv city state (military) administrations analyze the ranking lists of projects generated by the results of prioritization using DREAM and agree on such lists by default or submit to the Ministry of Education and Science, if necessary, reasonable proposals for changes to the ranking list of projects determined by DREAM.
4. The MOES Commission considers the ranked list of projects for compliance with the conditions, criteria, and recommendations of the IAB (if submitted) and selects and finalizes the list of projects proposed for funding by the subvention.
5. Proposals for distributing the subvention between local budgets are submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
6. Funds are transferred to the local budget.

Commencing the project implementation, we have scheduled a crucial training session on May 27, 2024. This session, designed to guide you through the application process for a state subvention in the DREAM ecosystem, will equip you with step-by-step instructions. You will also have the opportunity to immediately fill out and submit applications for participation in the selection, ensuring you feel prepared and confident.

The registration form is available here.

Rest assured, additional consultations or answers to any questions you may have about the subvention are readily available in the support telegram chat. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Timing of the selection process: 

  • applicants are trained, enter and fill in the necessary information in the system and submit project applications using the software tools of the DREAM ecosystem from May 22 to May 31, 2024 (inclusive);
  • regional, Kyiv city state (military) administrations agree by default or submit to the Ministry of Education and Science substantiated proposals for changes to the ranking list of projects determined by the DREAM ecosystem, if necessary, from June 03 to June 07, 2024 (inclusive);
  • the MOES commission verifies the compliance of the submitted projects with the requirements of the Procedure and Conditions for Granting Subventions. It forms the final list of objects financed by the subvention by June 25, 2024.
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